Articles of Interest

Pat has written far more eloquently than I ever could so I’ve asked his permission to link his articles in my site. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. – Paula

Embracing Experience: The Power of Seasoned Leaders in Science

In a world that often celebrates youthfulness and the fervor of fresh minds, there’s an unspoken pressure on seasoned leaders in the scientific realm to apologize for their years, attempting to compete with their younger counterparts. However, it’s time to celebrate the aggregate knowledge and experience these veterans possess. How easy it is to forget […]

A Shout Out to Those Who Remain Stubbornly Right!

Over the years I have spoken with true leaders, not just in science, but in many areas of life. They are the ones who recognize the problems and even shake their heads in agreement that it seems crazy to keep going, and yet their passion and knowledge of truth draws them onward. You’ve heard the […]

Predicting The Market, A Crystal Ball

A CRYSTAL BALL or The Question On Everyone’s Mind As the new year looms ahead, many are contemplating the imminent changes in the investment landscape. Wouldn’t it be convenient if we possessed a crystal ball to foresee the future? Yet, predicting 2023 doesn’t require magic; it demands insight drawn from recent market trends and good […]

Questions For The Hiring Manager

As you think about your questions keep in mind that your fist intent is to answer their questions. Yet, when possible the questions below give you a start in thinking about what might be important considerations as you assess your next move.

Top Interview Questions

There are some fundamental questions that come up at every level of hiring. I outline a few sample questions intended to gauge your critical thinking.

Do Your Homework!

If you are preparing for a video screen or a full interview you will have already spoken with us and viewed the company website, you should have a strong sense of the company’s scientific space and have insight into the company philosophies. Hopefully, you have read my other blog about being prepared! Now we dive […]

Curriculum Vitae – A Celebration Of Life

After reviewing thousands of CV’s over the years I notice that scientists approach their CV’s in one of two fundamental ways. Between these two extremes a great life lesson can be learned: How to walk a fine line between the concise and the confusing. You’ve heard of the “Lipinski Rule of 5”? I offer here […]

Preparing For Your Initial Video Screen

Preparing for the Phone Screen What should you have in front of you when you get on the video or phone call with the potential hiring person? A good conversation becomes fluid and takes on a life of its own very quickly. By being prepared you can think on your feet because you have already […]